Monday, May 30, 2005

Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp````

I HATE MONDAY !!! hAhazz...lEsson iS froM 9am - 8Pm`` arGhhzz..tireD`` luCkily i got pEople aCcompaning Mi..hAHazz..yAyazz..tOyz, lionEl n QC alsO 8pM diSmiss`` actUalli 9aM - 8pM iS oRedi a vERi bAd bAd bAd thing liAOz...bUt..aRghzz!!! i oNli got 1 breAk loR..n ttS 12pm - 1pm... iMagine~``` whEres mOii diNner breAk!! aGhhzz..hAHazzz...aftER CDS..toYz suGgested to go to Chomp Chomp eAt loR...hAhazz...fEel alittle hUngry tt tIme...sOo yA..we 4 Ppl gOo eAt loR`` hEez.. ^_^eaT n ChAt at thE samE timE...fUnnie gUyz`` hHaHazz...okok...reAch hOme abT 10.30pM...tIred ArgHzz...rAshes ouT again`` siAnzz...

28 mAy '05
wAke uP earli in d morning...coZ miting kX n Ant at 8.30aM at hoUgang mRt...celebratinG kX bdAy`` hAHazz..anY ideA why we mEet uP sOo eArly ??? yAyazz..cOz we arE goIng tO littlE indiA to hAve our bReakfast !! hEezz...aniWay`` we arE celebRating kX bdae`` anT was lAte..sOo hE ask uS to go little india first`` aftEr hAving oUr breAkfast...anT went hOme to chAnge..i BrinG kX to moii houSe there...coZ he waNted to get hiS hair rebonded..fUrthermore moii house there got ard 12 saloNs....hAHaHhazz!!! soo mAni rite?? i oSo didnt noE until thiS day` sOo..i went hoMe to chAnge..we chAnge ouR clothes to gOo cluBbing At night de...iS likE all 3 of uS weaR till likE veri stYlo lidat..we go for cell gRoup mEeting 1st...iS kinda wierd..coZ of our ouTfits..hAhahzz``yAYazz...tHEn heAded towards chIna blAck aftER thAt..BUT..duNno hu lOr...didNt bring IC...hAHazzz..siAnzz..sOo wanted tAke trAin to cLark kEy (wrong spelling)`` hahAzz..BUT..when we reach douBy gAuth mRt...tHE train tO clArk kEy hAd depArted..sad`` BUT..we saW milo tHere..hAHAz...actuAlli waS liKE waNt tO mAke him mIss tHE traIn liDat`` bUt hE liKE puSh uS away...wAnna boArd tHE traiN...hAhazz..we sOo saD`` bUt!!! whEn we were going tO walk out of tHe mRt tt tIme..we saW milo!!!! arGh!! hAppi..hAHahazz..hE so jiAng Yi qi`` yAzz...we tOok a caB to clArk kEy...cAb fAre was abT $4 plUs..milO pAy`` we Were lIke chOosing whiCh pUB to gOo..coZ milo Was unDeraged..foUnd a pUb finally!! hAHaz..ya..saT there n chAtted`` aftEr thAt..everthing jUz went wrong `` siAnz...duN wish to elabOrate -_- reAch hOme aroUnd 4 plUS...siAnzz..

29 mAy '05
woKe up at 8 Am todAy`` ttS meAnz i SleeP foR onlY 3 hOur plUs !! hAhazz...yAyaz... waKe uP soOo eaRly beCauSe i hAve sErvice...nEeda goO chuRch mAhzz..aftEr mOii church n evErytHing....reAch hoMe aoUnd 5pM bA`` hAhazz..i n kX sLept on tHe mrt..tOo tireD liAOz mAhz...eAch hoMe...bAthE..n SleeP`` yAYazz...slept fOt 15 hrs lidAt``

Friday, May 27, 2005


hahaAzz..sOooo long nV bloG liOAzz...lAzy arGhz`` hAHaHzz..wAs doWn witH duNno wad stUpid rAshes`` arGhhz..noW still gOt loR`` siAn 1/2 ... tMl goo Celebrate kX bdae...hOpe moi rashes will sUbside`` hAhahzz... lEtz prAy`` hAhazz...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

,,sis discharged,,

oMg..tirEd..HahAZ..cOnferenCe wiF ant n kX tiLL 2aM pluS..thEN haF tO wakE uP at 8Am tO attEnd chUrch..pUt alarM cloCk at 8Am..bUt woKEd uP at arOund 9Am inSteAd..hAHazz..fAster bAthe..dUn waNna bE late..cOz mitIng zi Jian n kX at aMk mRt`` hAhaz..iM not lAte!! kX suMthing wronG de..reAch thEre aroUnd 9.30Am..n sMSed mii say he hAs tAken oVer the titlE 'earLy kiNg' aWay frOm mii...hAHazz..okok...thEn recIeved an Sms frOm moi sis saY she cAn b disCharged ^_^ ...aftEr serVice, wEnt tOO eAt lUnch wiF theM...ruSh tO orchaRd to miT up wif anT..hAHazz...mi n kX goo thEre juZ too aCC him eAt...hE haF tuition at 4.30pM arOund 5pM..we gOo ouR oWn way loR..i went hoMe..kX ruSh hOme..hAHaz..coZ hE going tO jB wif hIS fAmily membERs n coUsins mAhz..2ML meetIng ant n kX agaIn``..hEezz.. siAnz...sKool reopenIng sOOn!!! suX`

Saturday, May 21, 2005

d e n g u e ... f e v e r

woKed uP at aBt 8Am yeSterdaY..bRought mOii siS tOo anG mO kiO polYclinIc foR another blOod teSt`` hEr bloOd plAtelEts waS onlY 77 .. oMg..tOoo low`` wAs reFerred to tAn tOck sEnG A&E ( aCcidental & eMergency) ..aniWay...reAch tAn tOCk senG arOund 1 pM..imAgine..frOm 8aM plUS - 1Pm..arOund 4 hR...siAnzz...waiT for doCtor all thAT for 4 hrs.. tHEn in tAn toCk senG osO wait foR anotheR 5 hR b4 mOi sis is bEing puShed intO her ward..thE perSon gOo puSh hEr into waRd C...kiNda warM..sOO dAd n mUm deciDed to tRAnsfer hEr tOo waRd B1...tHE diFferenCe is wArd B1 hAve airCon..n in ward C u hAve tOo pAy $25 foR thE bEd onLy..n waRd B1 u hAve tOo pAy $160 foR bed only ( boTh hAven incluDe doC chArge.. n all thoSe tESts i.e bLood teSt..) ..yAzz...shE hav tOo stAy thEre..n hAve her bLood teSt everyDay..aniWay..yo yo yo gAng waS thEre tOo viSit mOii siS...hAHazz..yAYa!! ant n kX caME 2 viSit mOii siS..tHEy reAch arOund 7 pM bA..hAHazz..thAnx woRx..thEy broUght frUits n cArd`` hAHazz..i hAd diNner wiTh anT n kX loR..afTer thAT wenT bAck tOo mOi sIs warD...hAng oUt till arOund 10Pm plUss bA..tHEn mOii daD seNd thEm hOme loR`` reAched hOme..cAlled oVersEa..toK to siYuan for an hOur plUs..yAYaz...2niTe will be caLLing him again!! hEezz..k lE ...stOp hEre liAOzz..goNna viSit mOii sis sOOn`` tAtazz

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


aCc mOii siS tOo tHE doC...cOz shE got hIgh fEver aRghzz..duNno for hoW mani dAys lE...shE did wEnt to tHE clinIC neAR ouR hSe de lA...bUt oSO not wEll..sOO aCc hEr tOo amK polYclinIC...wahHz...reAched thEre arD 2Pm...bUt mUz wait All thAt..siANZz...wait sOOo loNg suMmore...aniWay..whiLE waitiNg, kX smSed mii..hAHazz...ohh Okk...beCoz we weRe suPPosed to mit at j8 at 2.30pM...bUt ant didnT infoRm him thAt he had chAnged tIme n vEnuE..coZ ant tot i woUld tell hIm mahzz...hAHAHazz..thEn i wAs liKE vERi gAn chiOng lor..waNna ask WherE hE waS tHEn...sOO kEep cAlling him...thIS is wad hE replY : " dear all mobile phone users, pls note tt this user i using a rubber band phone.. he is nt able to respond to calls and greatly apologises 4 de inconvenice.. " {word 4 woRd copy de woRxx...sPElling mIStake oSo coPy =X} hAHaHzz..wahzz..hE damMmn fUnnie lOR...okok``..tHEn afTer moi sis fiNish @@ing doC + teSt blooD...iT was arD 5pM...aniWay..tHE doC saY moi sis siCkness miGHt bE early staGE of dengUe feVer..M I G H T onli...sOo hAf too follow up chEck uP...yayaZz..shE has tOo haf hEr blOod tEst again thIS cumIng fri`` ++ lEts pRay thAT shE wiLL bE finE yArhz ++ aniWay..ShE haS bOught tIX to redeng ( a bEAch in malaysIA ) whiCh coSt her $250...yAYayzz...shE was suPposed toO set off thIs friDay`` bUt thiS fridAy shE has tOo goO foR d bLood teSt`` arGhhzz..duNno lArhzz...lEts hOpe eveRythiNg wiLL be finE foR hEr``` prAy yAz...hAhaHzz.. ^_^ ...i reAChed koven at abt 5.30pM bA..mEt uP wif anT n kX...hAd oUr diNNer thEre.. sIt n tOk...hAHazz..yAYa...n We tOok nEoprint...hAHahzz..thiS is oUr first tIme tAking neoPRints togEther ( yo yo yo ) ...hAHazz..

Sunday, May 15, 2005

14 mAy 05

hE hAs flEw``

++ will always remember him ++

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

. . f e l i x . .

aS uSual..chAt onlIne..sAw fEliXx...hE hAven eAt luNCh..sOoo jIo gOo eaT lunCh toGether lOr...mii pEi hIm onlI...coZ ivE takEn miNE..mEet at aMk cenTraL loRz...hAHazz...tHEn hE goO order hIs fOOd...thEn hE asK " nOW wAd tiME ar? " wah...itS like he mUX @@ what tIme b4 hE couLD eat loRz..hAhahazz...fuNNie la..thEn aftER eatinG i aSk him where hE waNNa goOO..hE sAy iF wannA goo orChard fInd rOystoN noTz...tHen anithIng lOrhz...bUt mii weaR tiLL verI shuI biAn loRz...soOo hE ask mii iF waNna gOo hOmee chAnge ...tHEn i saY okie lorz...hAhaHzz...OKok....thEn mii brIng hiM gOo hoMe loRz...thEn mii gOo chAnge cloThes ..hAHaz...gOo oRchard liAoz...tHEn sat at mOS buRger n tOK for quiTe loNg loRhzz...tOK aloTz loRhzz..alOtzz....tHEn met uP wif roY...

b o r i n g``

7 mAy 05
- a day where everything went wrong -
- formed a yOoz yOoz yOoz gang ( wif antz n kX ) -

8 mAy 05
- hAppy mAma daY -

9 mAy 05
yOoz yOoz yOoz gang thEme soNg``
I feel the sun shining on my face ...
Its clear that everything is going my way ...
I feel there's no limit to what I can see ...
Cause I'm loving life in yOoz yOoz yOoz yoooo gang ...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


wEnt tOo wOodlanDs mRt at abT 6pM toO mit gAbriel...hE caMe arouND 6.50Pm ...okOk``... hAd toO ruSh tOO biShan tOO mit anThony, auDrey n zHi wei...suPposed tOO mEet tHEm at 7.30pM...sOO tOok tHE traIn dWn tOo biShan loRz...hAd ouR diNner at mOs buRger..wEll..we chAt alOt..hM...hAhahzz..yAyazz.. a l o t z

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

i n f e c t i o n

wEnt toOO plAZa SingApuRa wIf viN, alVin n lCl...yAYaz...wEnt thEre tOo watCh moVie : iNfectiOn`` plAnned tOo mEet at 2pM...woKed uP aroUnd 12pM..tHEn duN fEel liKE goIng lidAt lorz..bUt duNn wanna flY tHEir areoplAne..wahahaZz...sOo puLL moiselF up tOo gOo gEt bath!!! hAHAHzz..reAch thEre arD 1.40 pM...smSed alvIn n vIn toO cAll mii whEn thEy reacH..CoZ lCl hAve sumThing oN..soO hE will b mEetinG uS lAte..lOlx...whEn i SmSed tHEm..alVin iSs on hiS waY...whiLe vinCent iSh still At home..juz wakE up bA`` hAHAHaazz..okOk...mEt uP wiF alvIn at arOund 2.20Pm...bOught tIxs..tHen walk wALk..tHEn aCc hiM goo eAt moS aBout 3.50pM..bOth Lcl n vIn tuRn up loR...gOo arcAde..tHEn sIt, driNk, tAlk at tHE fOod court tHEre toO paSt tiME...coZ shoW starTing at 5pM...aNiway..tHE show iS lAme lA..duNno y gAry saY itS soOo scArry```hAHaHzz....iTs abT hAllucinAtion...okOk`` tHEn aftER tHE shOw, viN hAd tOo mEet uP wiF hiS polY frIend gOo kbox..then mi, alVin n lCl wEnt toO seleGie tHEre lOr...tHEy plAyed pOol n ArCAde...i juZ watChed...duNno noW no inTereSt in plAying pOol liAOz lEhzz...mAyb mi depRoving bA...haahaZzz...okok..hAd oUr lunCh thEre at mAc...lCl eat untiL soOoooOOooo sloW loR`` -_- hAHahazz..okok...tHEn tAke mRt hOme...blUff lCl sayIng thAT hE nEed noT walK A loNg Way tOo hiS noRth eAst lIne iF he crOss over thE roAd..yaYAaz...hEe deciDed tO gif it A try...hAHahahazz... =pPp..itS like hE ish walking mi n alvin toO the mRt inSteAd`` ahhaahAhazz.. ^_^

Monday, May 02, 2005


30 ApRiL 05
WenT tOo chUrch wiF anThoNy..kAixuN invIteD uS dE...afTer thAt wEnt toOo miT SiYuAn n hiS friEnd at SEntosA...sEe thE muSicAl foUntAin...waHhzz..dAmnn niCe loRzz..hAHahzz...i lIke iT !!!! ^_^ thEn actuAlli duNn waNna goOo hOme de..coZ thAt tiMe quiTE laTe lE mahz...arOund 11.45pM lidAt..tAxi miDnitE chArge lEh...buT mum duN allOw...siAnz 1/2 loRz.hAd toOo goOO hOme`` -_- oHhz...hEre mii Wish nAz n anTz hAppi bdAe woRxx.. mAy all uR dreAmz cuM trUe.. ^_^

1 MaY 05
wEnt tOo tEmplE at buGis wiF siyUAn n hiS friEnd...hAHaz..tAught siyUan hoW to prAy all thAt...waHhaaz...hOpe mOii teAchingS arE riTEzz...aftEr thAt weNt toOo buGis walk wAlk loR...plAy arcAde...tHEn tAke cAb all d wAy to orChard...tAt waS abT 9 pM bA...coZ hiS friEnd waNna gEt sumThing from orChArd tOp maN...hiS friEnd goIng tOo chiNa 2mL mA...oO hAd toOO gEt all thoSe stuFf bA`` hEezz...tHEn weNt toO cinE tOO eat diNner..acTuAlli waNNna cAtch a mOviE de...bUt vERi lAte liAoz...soOo nV goO waTCH loR... hEez..

2 MaY 05
wEnt tOo buGis wiF mOi sIS n bRo..hAhaz...we hAd ouR lunCh tHEre...tHEn weE shOp shOP foR cloThes loR..yAyaz...thEn sine we at buGis..we shUn biAn gOo bAi bAi..yayaz..wEnt toO tEmple..aftER tAt wEe tAke buS toOO dHoby ghAut..walK waLK bA...bUY thinGs...hAd diNner at fAr east plAza..tHEn goo amK...mOii sis waNna gEt sumThing...sHUn biAn gOo chAnge heR cOntAct lEnz..duNno goT waD pRob...ttS all foR todAy`` hEezz..=pPp