I HATE MONDAY !!! hAhazz...lEsson iS froM 9am - 8Pm`` arGhhzz..tireD`` luCkily i got pEople aCcompaning Mi..hAHazz..yAyazz..tOyz, lionEl n QC alsO 8pM diSmiss`` actUalli 9aM - 8pM iS oRedi a vERi bAd bAd bAd thing liAOz...bUt..aRghzz!!! i oNli got 1 breAk loR..n ttS 12pm - 1pm... iMagine~``` whEres mOii diNner breAk!! aGhhzz..hAHazzz...aftER CDS..toYz suGgested to go to Chomp Chomp eAt loR...hAhazz...fEel alittle hUngry tt tIme...sOo yA..we 4 Ppl gOo eAt loR`` hEez.. ^_^eaT n ChAt at thE samE timE...fUnnie gUyz`` hHaHazz...okok...reAch hOme abT 10.30pM...tIred ArgHzz...rAshes ouT again`` siAnzz...
28 mAy '05
wAke uP earli in d morning...coZ miting kX n Ant at 8.30aM at hoUgang mRt...celebratinG kX bdAy`` hAHazz..anY ideA why we mEet uP sOo eArly ??? yAyazz..cOz we arE goIng tO littlE indiA to hAve our bReakfast !! hEezz...aniWay`` we arE celebRating kX bdae`` anT was lAte..sOo hE ask uS to go little india first`` aftEr hAving oUr breAkfast...anT went hOme to chAnge..i BrinG kX to moii houSe there...coZ he waNted to get hiS hair rebonded..fUrthermore moii house there got ard 12 saloNs....hAHaHhazz!!! soo mAni rite?? i oSo didnt noE until thiS day` sOo..i went hoMe to chAnge..we chAnge ouR clothes to gOo cluBbing At night de...iS likE all 3 of uS weaR till likE veri stYlo lidat..we go for cell gRoup mEeting 1st...iS kinda wierd..coZ of our ouTfits..hAhahzz``yAYazz...tHEn heAded towards chIna blAck aftER thAt..BUT..duNno hu lOr...didNt bring IC...hAHazzz..siAnzz..sOo wanted tAke trAin to cLark kEy (wrong spelling)`` hahAzz..BUT..when we reach douBy gAuth mRt...tHE train tO clArk kEy hAd depArted..sad`` BUT..we saW milo tHere..hAHAz...actuAlli waS liKE waNt tO mAke him mIss tHE traIn liDat`` bUt hE liKE puSh uS away...wAnna boArd tHE traiN...hAhazz..we sOo saD`` bUt!!! whEn we were going tO walk out of tHe mRt tt tIme..we saW milo!!!! arGh!! hAppi..hAHahazz..hE so jiAng Yi qi`` yAzz...we tOok a caB to clArk kEy...cAb fAre was abT $4 plUs..milO pAy`` we Were lIke chOosing whiCh pUB to gOo..coZ milo Was unDeraged..foUnd a pUb finally!! hAHaz..ya..saT there n chAtted`` aftEr thAt..everthing jUz went wrong `` siAnz...duN wish to elabOrate -_- reAch hOme aroUnd 4 plUS...siAnzz..
29 mAy '05
woKe up at 8 Am todAy`` ttS meAnz i SleeP foR onlY 3 hOur plUs !! hAhazz...yAyaz... waKe uP soOo eaRly beCauSe i hAve sErvice...nEeda goO chuRch mAhzz..aftEr mOii church n evErytHing....reAch hoMe aoUnd 5pM bA`` hAhazz..i n kX sLept on tHe mrt..tOo tireD liAOz mAhz...eAch hoMe...bAthE..n SleeP`` yAYazz...slept fOt 15 hrs lidAt``