Friday, April 29, 2005

mEt Up wiF fEliX ` `

wAs oNline thE whoLe dAy..untiL arOund 3 pM bAz...waS chAtting wiF fEliX tHEn...tHEn tOK arGhz tOk arGh...thEn inN thE enD deciDed tOo mEet uP` mEet him at toA pA yoH at ArounD 4.45 pM`` tHen wE walK waLk loRzz..gOO wAtch moVie...watChed Divergence.. hMm..noT niCe la...duNno y arGz...feLix kEep luFfing..noT fuNnie loR...hE luff luFf luFf... -_-`` bUay tA han hIm...wahHahahazz...yaya...thAts tHE woRd --> " BuAy tA hAn " ...hE sAys it mAni time loRz...lOlx...afTer moVie..fiNd somEwheRe tOO siT...yA...tOk AloTz...tOk abOut oUr pERsonAl liFe aLL tHAt loRzz..hAHazz..cAnnot reVEal anithIng hERe `` hAHazz...anIway..we arE alWays on tHE wroNg chAnnel lA`` lOlxx...AlSoo duNno hIm..liKE tOo acT cutE suMmore...wahAhAHAHz....dun uSe tHE cAp coVer uR moUth lA!!!! aCt cuTez...hEez =pPp

Thursday, April 28, 2005


gOt a cAll froM gAbriel arouNd 12 aM bA..sAying waNNa mEet mii at 2.30 pM at fAr eAst...yaRhzz..waiteD at thE buS stOp fOr buS tOoo fAr eAst..thEn gAbriEl cAlled...n SAy hE coULd onLi mEEt mii 6 pM ++ ...thEn mii strAight aWay gOo finD siyUAn loRhzz..mEet hiM at tAmpinEs..thEn mi, hE n hiS friEnd wEnt tOO cenTury sQuarE arCade...sAw gAry n hiS gF thEre..hAHhaaz..okOk`` plAy liAoz..thEN went tOO buY moviE tiX..cReeP...hMM...stUpid sHow!!! ouR moviE stArts at 9.45pM mAhz..sOOo wEe went fOr diNner tHEn wEe goO meet gAbriEl..afTer thAt wEe gOO kboX lor..sIng SonG...wAhzz..siYuAn friEnd damNn fuNnie loR...sinG sonG soO act cuTe de..lOl..hE puRpoSelY 1 lArhhzz..lOlxx...sinG tiLL 9.45 pM..yArhhzz..lAte foRr thE moviE...hAHazz...wHen waNna gO intO tHE ciNema thAt timE, tHE unclE asK mii iF im 16 `` dUh!!! cOz tHE shoW is NC16 mAh...lOlxx...hE duN bElEve woRx...saY i lOok yOungz...haHAaz..oKoK...tOld tHE unCle tHAt i dYe hAir lIaoz... in Poly`` loLX...hAhaz...unCle i fuNnnie lA..tHEn aftEr moVIe wEe tAke cAb gOo hOmee lOrzz`` ^_^

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

``we r brudders in d mornin n sistas at nite Posted by Hello

deliCiouS `` yUm yUmm Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


ok..weNt for chAlet tHE paSt 3 dAys.. = 24/04 - 26/04 = fUnn``

mEt emMa at AmK mRt at arOund 3pm ??? thInk sOOo...not suRez arghhz..hAhAzz..thEn wEe tOok bUS 88 tOo pAsiR riS inteRchAnge..wEnt tOoo buY sOme drinks, plAtes, cuPs, foRks, tiSsue....hAHazz..aRRived dOwntOwn eaSt at aBout 4 ++ Pm ..chEck iN..waiTed foR the rESt tOO arrivE...hUi xiAng n gAry firSt tOO arRivE...fOlloweD bY kX..wAnsIn...blAr bLar blAr`` hAHaz..thE fUnniE paRt iSh..kX uSe rUn 1...hE rAn inTo thE chAlet..waNsin witnEssed it..waHaaz..coZ i lieD toO him mAhz..i Say eveRy1 iS waiTing foR him`` lOlx ...hEez.. =pPp ...wHen evEry1 aRrived...wE cUt caKe loRz...sing hAppi bdAe soNg..hEezz..oMg`` tHe cAke iSh soOoo chOco`` lOlx...niCe larHz`` OkiE..tHEn sOme oF uS continUe pLAyng cArds, mAhjong...fElix la~~ stiLL say wAd i sit BEhind hIm mAke hiM loSe $$ in mAhjong!!!! sUperstitioUS!!! buAy tA Han argHz~~ lOlx..OKok..thEn hX n kX haD toO mAke a moVE fiRst..sOO mi, emA n gAry sEnd tHEm oFf lorh`` shUn biAn walK riCk tOo thE chAlet..aftEr a whiLE..anT n jAc hAd toOO leavE...thiS tiME...hUisher, wAnsin, mii, emA, gAry, riCk, milo, lCl, alVin, wEikiAt fOlloWed...sEnd tHEm oFf ba`` wEe thEn wenT tOo pAsiR rIs pArk..buT huIshEr n waNsin diDnt fOllow`` acTuAlly waNna gOo thE plAy gRound thEre 1..tHEn walk walk walk..waLk tiLL fiShermAn viLLage tt tIme...ouR legS like autOmatic gOo in loR`` lolx..sAt theRe n oRder a baRRel of tigEr bEer, 1 plAte of Fries n 1 plAte of chicken Nuggets..wE yAmm sEngg...lOlx..rICk drAnk 1 mouTh??? tHEn orDered dUnno ordEr waD jUice .. hAHazz..yAYAYazz...I AM NOT DRUNK !!!! i onli fEEl giDdy n Hot thAts all..aftEr drinKiN 3/4 glAss oF tigEr bEer``.. dont sAy iM drUnk !!! foRget whO asEd mii noT too tAke oFF mOIi shiRt`` dUh`` I WILL NOT...gAry n wEikiAt drAnk abt 3 glAsses..milO 2? hMm...thE rest drAnk 1 glAss eAch`` hAhaz.. IM NOT DRUNK still CONSCIOUS !!! lOlx... okOk`` tHEN wE walK tOo a 24hR coFfeshop...quiTe fAr lor`` reAch tHEre...sOme gOO ordER eat eat..wEnt to 7-Eleven...thAts whERe miLo bouGHt hiS FHM ..hAHa..tHEn riCk dA paO miNced mEat nOodle for vIn..waLk all tHE waY bAck tOo tHE cHalet..i liE oN tHE bEd foR awhiLE ...coZz dAmnn dAmnn gIddy`` drAnk sOme Warm watER n Had suM rest..fElt finE`` joIned tHE reSt tOO watCh duNno waD shOw la..coUldnt slEep mAhzz...aftER tHE shOW...tHEy deciDed toO plAy a gAme thAt alVin recOmmAnded`` iSh liKE thE persOn whO piCk tHE loWest nUmber fRom a Stack oF poKer cArds wiLL b puniShed bY thE pErsOn whO piCked tHE biGgest nUmber...okOk`` tHE puniShment iS squEezinG tOOthpAste on oNe's fAce..yAYayz...iM tHE fiRSt 1 tOo experimEnt thAt`` thE fEeling iSh cOol lA..hAHaz...yAyaz...i SooOO suAy ...kAna drAwn 3 tiMEs ba`` bbleAhz..alvIn n eMma la...mUZ wait foR everyone too hAve tooThpastE oN their fAces b4 stOpping tHE gAme..alVin n eMma lor..sOO luCki..sOO tHE gAmee iSshh kinDa long..foR mii ba..suAy mahz..waHahazz..wEe plAyed untiL 6-7Am lidAt?? riTE riTezz??? oR lAter?..not suRez...tHEn we headed foR breAkfast. . .

hAd oUr breAkfaSt At macdonAld...tHEn heAded bAck tOo chAlet tOO bAthe lOr``aCtuAlli waNna bathe liAoz tHEn goo out wiF siyUan 1..bUt.toOo lazy lIAoz la` hAhAa.. =pPp ..stAnleY cAme . tHEn mi, emA, gary, stAnley, mIlo, riCk, alVin, lCl, viN, jiAnzhi heAded too tHE aRcArd..thE reSt staY in tHE rOom lorhz...rOy n feLix doing sUm breAkdAncing ` plAyed car rAcing..hMm...n soME hittinG gAmes la..oh yArhz..wE plAyed phoTo hunT toOO`` hAHaz...thAt waSs fun`` evERyoNE was lIke soO gAn chIong..duN waNna loSe the gAme mAhz..thEres pArt whEre onLi fEw seconDs neeDED tOo juz comPlete tHe hUnt...n thOSe pArts arE soME preTty ladYs..wahAHaz..hEez..tHEn we went tOo plAy poOl loRz...mii n emA nV plAy ..we onLi thAt momEnt of tIme...recIEved a mSg froM hUisher..saYing thAt she, waNSin, roY, lix n joRdon mAke a mOve firSt lor...hahazZ...lEAving wekiAt alonE in thE chAlet..wahahaAhzz..aftEr plAying pOol...wE heAded bAck tOo tHe chAlet tOo jOIn weikIAt..we plAyeD maHjong...hMm...wEe tOok a sinGle bED mattrESs n lAy it aCross tHE king bed ( conSisting of 2 sinGle bEd joiNed 2gether ) ..hAahAzz..lidat goOd mahz..nOo need sit oN thE flOor`` aftEr plAying a fEw rounDs..i aSk jiAnzhi tAke ovEr mii..thEn i waS liKE finDing somE plAce tOo sIt toOO watCh tHEm plAy arghzz..tHE stupiD part cAme..i went toOo siT nX tOoo gAry...n i JUz knEel oNn tHE sinGle bEd`` bOOomp!!!! mOI kneeS blUE bLAck ah...i tot thEre's mattress``` foRgotten tHE matTress was tAken out`` arGhhhzz..pAin!!!! aftEr fEw hourS..we pAcked tHE mahjOng..tHEn sOme pLay carDs aRhzz..i lAy beSide chIn liAng mAhz...oN d bEd goT vIn, lCl, mi n emA (from left to riGHt ba..) slEpt foR abOut an hOur plUs..tHen riCk stiLL saY waD iM preGnant ater slEEpinG wiF cHin LiaNg.. -_-~ tHEn jiAnzhi wakE uS uP wiF hiS bouNcing on d bEd..argHhhzz...tHEn we wEnt toOo hAf ouR luNch..tHAt was 3pM tHEn..coUldnt reaLLie eat la...cOx noOt hunGry mAHz..fuRthermoRe diNner's aPPrOAching..yAYaz...shAred a plat of fried duMplings wif eMma..duNn lIke tOo eat duMplings`` hahAHzz..tHEn weE headeD bAck tOo tHe chAlet...contiNued wif oUr carD game...tHEn 5pM arriVed..tuNed iN tOo chAnnel U...miLO lEft abT thIS tIMe...aSs he hAs toO goo for hiS anoTher chalEt..pOly 1 i thInk..geT out oF the rOom aT Abt 6.30Pm leavIng garY behind...he sLeepIng arGhhzz...cAll hiM wakE up, cAnt wakE up bA..soO we left wIthoUt hIm..wanTed tOo gooO cyclinG...bUt tHE bikE reNtaL shoP cloSed..walKed all tHE way tOo fiShermAn villAge thEre...cOx soME clAimed thAt tHEre's a bikE reNtaL shoP thEre...wEnt tHEre ..buT thiNk it Was uNder conStructioN oR sumThing...Went tOo plAygRound..haAHaz..hAd fuN thEre..plAy untiL everyonE wasS soOo hoT n sweatY``gAve gAry a cAll..n Ask him tOo mEet uS @ pAsir rIS intERchANge..hAd oUr dinnEr thERe..afTer thAT we weNt to NTUC arGhzz...bOught SomE tiDbits n StuFf ..cOx goT $30 lEft oVer arGhhz..bOugh lAys..soUpy miX...jOlly shAndy...seAwEeds..hAHazz..thEn walk tOo tHE interchAnge tOo tAke buS back..jiAn zhI n vIn waS ahEad of uSs..hAHaz..yArhhzz..tHEy boArd tHE buS 1St..wiThout uS...bUt tHEy did wavE too US toO ask Us tOO hUurrry lA...bUt we lIke plAy plAy mahz..igNored lIdat..wahahahzZz... =) .. aftEr thAy boArd tHE buS, boTh oF theM smSed mii.. jiAnzhi: " Bye bye...we now on buS " ..vIn: "wE on buS already..yoU juSt miSsEd uS.." n mOI replY was SimPLy.." tOo bAd..tHE key's wiF uS" ..wahahahAHahAzz... fuNNie siAzz..oN ouR way bAck..saW jiAnzhi n vN at mAc...eatIng iCe creAm..waNna di siAo tHEm ar..pRetended not to kNow n @@ hEaded tOo chEers tOo buY anoTher pAck of cArds..sOOo tHE 9 oF uS ( mii, ema, vin, lcl, gary, alvin, jianzhi, rick, weikiat) cAn play tHE 'beatIng hAnd' gAme toGetHEr..jiAn zhI suX arghzz..hahahAAzz..bEat untIl sOOooOOOOOoooOOOOooO hArd lOrhz...beAt uNtil mii n riCk hAndS sOO reD...whiLe playinG...tAke tuRns too bathe loR..tHen wEe wenT jUZ oUtsiDe tHE chAlet..near the bBQ piT thEre...wEe brouGHt all tHE tidbIt we bOught..we Ate n tOk tHEre..hAHazz.. oHH ..aniWay..thiS is oUr lIne " we e brudders in d morin n sistas at nite " ...gAry addeD " one day when i one came to visit mii " ..wahahahz..lamE ya`` afTer finISh eating..cleAred uP..we went bAck 2 tHE rOom..sAt oNn thE bEd in A cirCle..leaving onli The toilEt lighT on..wEe shAred GhoSt stOriess...hAHaHz..okOk`` i oNli hAf 1 coMment... n thAts jiAn zhi lAme`` hAHazz..ur tHAt 'fUNnie milO ghoSt stOry' reAllie lAme la..hahAHahzz..aftEr tElling d gHost stories...sOme wEnt too bEd...thAt waS abt 1.45Am...thEn leFt onli mi, ema, riCk, gAry, weikiAt n jiAnzhi in one corner...riCkson's shAring wiTh uS abOut hiS religIon : chRistiAN.. intEReSting...whiLE listening...moii eye liDs are gEtting heAvier n hEavier..hahAz.. coulDnt ta hAn liAoZz..sOo mii, emA n gAry slEpt arD 3.30aM lidAt ba..thiS tiME alvIn's awake...hAhaHz...alVin, jiAnzhi, riCk n weikiAt wEnt out oF thE roOm n continUe wiTh their tokIngs..

wOke uP arD 9.30 aM..tIs time..alVin, lCl, weikIAt oreDi awake lIAoz..hEArd wekiAt didnt slEep whole niTez..goO brush mOi teeth...wear conTAct lenS...blarh blArh blarH`` tHEn went bAck toOo tAke a quiCk nAp...hAHaz..vEri tiRed Arghzz..goT wakEn uP bY lCl..hE sAid tHE cLeaner knOCk ouR doOr n wanTed tOOo dOO cleAning...hAHaz..tHAt was AboUt 10.30 Am.. yAyAz...cAlled every1 toO wake Up`` pAck ouR bAgs all thAt..tHEn heAded too hAve oUr breAkfasT..jianZhi suGgested tOo gOO tOo pAsir riS interchAnge tOo hAf ouR breAkfast..bUt sinCe waNna pei alvIn coZ alvIn waitIng for hiS friend tHere tOo chek In for anoTher chAlet sumwhERe elsE...sOo eMMA suGgesteD tOo goO burgEr kIng eat d enD onli gAry n alVin eating lOr...riCk clAims hE duNn liKE burGer kinG....wahAHazz..aftErr eatIng..we biD alvin gOod byE n headEd our way hOmee lor...while on mOii way hOmee..i Smsed alvIn Lor...scAred hE siAnz tHEre wait 4 hiS frienD..hAhazz..smSed tilL hi friend arriVEd..thAts alsOo when i Was Abt too rEAch hOome..arOPund 12.30 pM bA..yayaZz...bouGht moii sis hEr lunCh...tHEn wenT hoMe..toK tooO moii sis until 3 ++ pM ..tHEn bathe n Sleep loR..woKE uP @ arD 9.40 Pm..yAYaz...coUldnt gEt 2 slEep nOW!!!..hAahazz..

Thursday, April 21, 2005

1 moRe dWn`` hAiizz

oOkk...recIeved an SmS frOm cAiyAng yESterdaE...hE saY hE wAs unAble toO cuM tOo d chAlet..cOx cOuldnt gEt oFf lAst min`` duNno arGhzz..hAiiz..tOt tOld evEryonE abt tHE chAlet thing 1-2 wK b4..siAnz 1/2 ..oKKoooOOk...aniwaY...fEliX hElped mii alot...hAhazz..~`` tHAnx arrghZz..hE volUnteEred tOo bOOk thE cakE foR mi..thiS savEs mii all tHE troUble tooO travEl all tHE waY tOo tAmpines...hEe oSo volUNteerEd tOo pICk thE cAke uP onn suNdAy``hAHaz..suCh a niCe pERsoN yAhzz.`` lOlx.. =pPp hE oSo vERi blUr lorzz.. -_-~ hAHaz...i Ask hiM tOO tell tHE perSon tOo wriTe gAry n AnthonY nAme on The cAke...u Noe wad iSh hiS replY??? hAHa..hE AskEd " eMma nAme iSit e m m a "...wahAHahazz ..waNNa kiLL hiim..lOlx...bluR kiinG~

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

***NiGht sAfarii***

OookOook...mEt uP wiF siyUan n 2 oF hiS othEr frienDs at arOund 7.15pM at aMk..tOOk a cAb doWn toOo maNdai ZoO...bOught 4 tIx eAch $24 tOOo niiGht saFarii...hMm..cAn saY quiTe fuN la...lOlx.. soOo lOong nV gOoo night saFari liAozz...thiNk thE last tIme i went waS 8 yEars agO ??? hAaaha..tHe moSt scAry pArt waS enTering tHE 'FreE-flYing bAts' pArt...oMg..loLx...bAts r eVerywhEre..soOO huGe`` lOlx...flY pAss as Juz liDat!! scAre uS!! waHahazz...hMmm...niighT saFarii iSssh smAll ba~~ sOOo fAst walK finISh liaoZ....hEaded fo tHE liVe animaL at arD 10pM.. tHE shoW lastEd for 45 mIns i thiNK`` yAyaz...tHEn wenT too hAve suM snAck lOR`` i dIdnt eaT arghhz.nOo appiTite...duNno y oSoo`` mAybe tHE foOOd toOOO ex!!! lOlxx...1 meaL wad lIke $9++ lOlx...Oook...tHEn sinCe they r eatIng..i cAlled viN`` Milo`` LCL`` hUixiAng`` wEi kIat`` ...yAyazz...asK thEm iF tHEy hAv xBox gAme anoT...foR chAlet mahZz...iFf no gAmes..tHen siANz 1/2 ...aniWay..nO oNe hAvE`` -_-~ oOOkk...tHEn wEe tOOk a CAb hOme lOrzz...yA..thE caB dRop mii oFF fiRSt`` wEnt hOmme.. gOt a cAll frM moI mUm tOO @@ iF i reacH hOmee liAoz notz..hAaaz..tHEnn mIi wEnt tOo bathE.. tiRed dAy``

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

fLy aReoplAnee worxXx `` -_-`~

oKkOOOk...fIrst 1 hU flY arEoplAne iS ..... K A I X U N `` arGhhzz..hE cOuldnt goOOo toOo chALet lOr...1st ReasOn hE gAve iSsh nOoo mOney..2nD reaSon iSsh hE migHt not Be abLe tOo gEt oFf aSs hIs unCle'S goiNg tOO chiNa nX wEek.. siAnzz..cAke hAven oRder suMMore `` ..siAnz 1/2 aRghzz...oKkOok`` hEreS tHE liSt of thOSe hUs stAyinG : meE`` eMa`` vIn`` gaRy`` alVin`` miLo`` riCk`` jOrdoN`` wEikiAt`` roY`` hUIsher`` lCl`` fEliX`` waNsin`` ..aNnd foR thOsEe whOs noT stAying: anTz`` dErriCk`` sOh`` stAnley`` jAc`` cAiyAnG`` ..nOt gOInng 1 goT : lAurA`` dHs`` yIng woOn`` tAmmy`` K A I X U N`` yOke`` hUIxiAng`` ...aSs foR the reSst ..hAven cFrm lOr~

++ oHh yAazz...fElix sAy hE waNNa slP wiF hUishEr~ waHhaazz..hE jK de lArh~` lOlxx.. ++

Sunday, April 17, 2005


reAch biShan pArk @ arD 4.30pM bAz...tOt weAther quIte gD mahZzz..sOOo goO earlY..gOO thEre stArt jOgging liAOzz...yAaz...jOg foR 4kM non stOp~`tHE weathEr soO daMnn hoT loRzz + sOOo thIrstY + lIKe goiNgg toO fAint anitiME loRrz....sOO deciDEd toOo stOp after tHE 4kM jog..lOOk at mOi hP..5Pm woRxx..hAHaz...mii tOok 30mIns toOo finISh 4kM jog~` slOw bA~~ eveN ppL caN waLk fAster thAn mi siAzz...lOlxx..tHEn goOo bUy watEr drinK...drrinK anD walK at d samEe timEe...hAhAzz...toOk an hR toO driNk n waLk foR 2kM siAzz...hAhazz...soOO damNn sloWw~~tiRed mAhz.. =bU nEng guAi= thEn afTer drinKing finiSh d watEr..6Pm liaoZ...energEtic liAoz...toOk anOther 30 mIns toO jog 4kM noN stop~` hAHaz..diS tiMEe quiTe windY loRr`` althoUgh a lIttle suNny..buT stiLL can leasT beTTa tHan thE 1st 4kM jogg..after mOI joG..iT was 6.30pM ...wEnt toO minimArt..bouGht suM tidbIts...lOlxx~~ moi SiS asK mii hElp hEr bUy..tHEn mi shUn biAn gEt 1 pKt foR mOIself...lOlxx...reacH hM arD 6.50pM ..fAster goO bAThe lOr`` tHEn watCh thE nKf shoWw~` hEezz..goT eNeRgY !!!! kUnda soO shUai~ + drOol lIAoz + wahAHazz..

Friday, April 15, 2005


hMmm...2dAy aCcompanY moI sIS goOo make pAssp0rt~ thEn wEnt tOo bugiS walK walK..siNce we at bUgiS liAozz...tHEn shun biAn gOO tEmplE prAy loR...stEp intOO tEmplE, sAw wEiDe siAzz...hAHaz...duNno hE goO deRE pRay foR waD~ hEezz .. =pPp~~ yAYayaazz... hOope mOi pRAyers cUm trUe~ hEezz...tHen wenT tOO orCharD lOr~~ gOOo shOp sHop...collEct suMthings..siANzz...waNNa goOO buY tHAt suNglAsseS...dEn duN hAf liAozz.. crYz siAzz~~~ foRget abT iT!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

== cHalEt ==

OkkoK~ yEsteRdaE wEnt tOoo bOok chAlet..wEnt all d waY tOO pAsir riS siAzz... lUcky mOI daD bRouGHt mii thEre...yAzz... 3 dAys 2 nIght..whIch fAlls oN d 24th 25th n 26th oF apRiL... hOpe every1 cAn goOO...clAss gATherinG mahzz...hAHaz...aniWay...noW conFirM goiNgt 1 iSshhh: mEe `` emMa `` aNtzz `` kX `` rIck `` mILo `` alVin `` rOy `` fElix `` bRydoN `` gAry `` soH `` wEikiAt `` jUn Kun `` ...ehZzz...bEtta duN flY areOplane hoRzz.. Lolx... ^_^

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

++ hEEz ++

wAhzz...itS bEen SumTime siNce i lAst bloG woRxx...aniWay..yAYaya~~tOK abt ResulTs 1st !!! hAHaHzz....nOt bAd reuLts...quiTe hAppi la..

TCS ------- B
PCB ------- A
EDEV ------- A
DFUND2 ------- B+
EMATH2 ------- A
PSPS ------- P
JAVA ------- B
IPSY ------- B

hEez....not bAd hoRzz ^_^ ...

yeSterDAy wEnt out wiF siyUAn n hiS frieNd...hAHahzz..not bAd la...hiS frienD quiTe frienDly =pPp~ wEe wenT tooo fINd whEre iS britiSh counCil lor~~ coZz siyUan goNna hAf an intERview tHere oN friDay.. ++ aLL d bEstt woRxx ++ ...wAhh seHh...reaCh tHEre thAt tIme stArt driZzliNg siAzz~~ foUnnd tHAt plAce liAoz...we gOoo orcHard lOr~~ gOo eat diNner...tHEn watCh The Pacifier..ehZzz...niCe shOW ya~~ njoYz it loTzz~ ^_^

Saturday, April 09, 2005

mii n eMma Posted by Hello


nOW adayS laZy toOo bloG...hAhAazz..aniWay...2daE wEnt oUt wiF emA tO j8...tOk aloTz..hEEzz...WenT tOo moS buRgEr to hAv oUr lUNch..tHEn we tOk tOkk abOut tHE uPcoMing chAlet arz...oUr sEondAry sChOOl lifE...hAHahz...tHEn wenT tOO tAke neoPrint lOr~~yAaz..4Pm lEft j8..shE hAs toOo goOo for serVice...whILe i goOo hM lOp~~ aT aRounD 5pM...i lEave hM...goOo joGGing at bishaN pArk`~waHhaaz...i wAs lIKe ruNNing...thEn sTop n Walk walK...ruN again n Stop agaiNn... -_-~ nOoo stAmina liAoz...sOOoo i deciDed tOO joG insteaD of RuN lo~~hAHHAz... =pPp ...yAYayazz...i jOg foR 2 Km siazz..wiThOut stoPping woRx..hEezz..saY liAoz...iTs joGGing...soOo its slOW la~~ hAHaz...caME bacK hM...sOO tirEd n HUngry n tHirstY...lOlxx..k liAOz...stOOop hErez...gOOO finD sumThing eAt~~ =)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


siAnz arGhzz...rAininG...waNNa gOOo ruN oSo cAnNot...siAnz dAy~~ +wAhzz.. sum1 stiLL gOOo diSco hoRz~~ bEtta goOo hM earLy n duN driNkk soOO mUCh arHzz..hEEzz+

i'M lAggiNg...hAHhaazz

oKok...i wiLL starT wiF 4 aPriL 05
hEEzz..hMm..thAt daY nuThing mUch lA...whOle daY stAyed at Hm..chAt onLine.. hMm...ChAt lotZ wiF nAz n eMma..hEEzz...oOook lAa... -enD-

5 aPriL 05
eHhzz..eMma...gOOod LucK foR uR inTerviEw aRz.. !!!! hEez.. ^_^ hMMm...wEnt tOo tP tOgetHEr wif SiYuan...hE waNNna gEt suM doCuments foR stUdyiNg in england~ tHEn wEe atE at mEnSa...chiCken cUlet arGhz..hAHahz...tHE chiCken vEri hArd laRh..vERi diFf toOo cut`` hMm...tHEn wEe wenT tOO tAmpinEs mAll..plAy pOOol..i diDnt pLAy lA...hAHAz..duN daRe..Ppl expErt woRxx.. =pPp ..tHEn i siT dEre waTch hIm plAy~ hE sAy i nV joIn hIM tHEn sOOo bOrinGz.. tHEn hE duN plAy LiAOz...hAHazz...hMM...plAy lESs tHAn 30 mIns bA~~ wahAHHazz..tHEn wEe goOo bUY moVie tIX...wEe watCh 'bE cOol' ..whilE waitIng foR tHE moVie tOO stARt..wEe gOo arcAde pLay plAy lOp~~ plAy untiL forgEt abT the tIme..hAHhaz...afTer watchIng the moVie...wEe both walk wAlk WAlk....yAzz.. tAlk aloTzz..aLotzzZzz... yAazz..tHEn wEnt tOO eat dInnEr at tAmpiNEs mAll...1 jApanEse restaUrant arGhzz..aJisen iSit..?? dUnnno...nOOt suRezz... hEez... yAYayaz...afTer tHat tHEn gOOoo hM lOp~ +fuN dAy la~ hAhAHazz... =) +

Monday, April 04, 2005

3rd aPriL`05

hAHahz....yestErdaY cUm bAckk lAte..soOo nV blOg~ siAnzz... soOoo nOww blOg foR yestERdaY...hMm... 3rd aPriL iS thEe dAyy tOooooOOo reMembEr~ hEezz... wEnt tOo esCapE thEme pArk at abT 4.30pM... plAyed 3 gAmes OnlY -_-~ hAHaHz...hMm...plAyed thE piratE shIpp..inDoOr rollAr cOaster...N tHE driVing cAr 1 lAa...afTeRr thAt suMm1 waNNa goOO kbOx...thEnn goOo loR~ hAHahz...siNg leSs then 2hR ba~~ 2 pErsoN $40+++ ..wahHzz...expEnsive siazz...thEn weNt tOo wath houSe of fUry...hMm...thE shoW okiE lA~~ hEEzz...waHzz...enD at 11 ++ pm ..hAHahz..suMMore tHat tIme mii at tAmpiNEs maLL...reAchh hM abOut 12 ++ aM loR...tHEn bAthe ..sLeep~ hAHahz...fUn dAy...a Day tOOo reMember !!! ^_^

Saturday, April 02, 2005

= = sIaNzZz = =

"to the world u r someone, but to someone u r the whole world" --- U sAy thIs iSh mEant foR meEe...bUt i dOnt bElievE !!!!!

siAnzz...toDay whOle dAy stAy at hM...doOo nUthinG...siANzz dAy !!!

Friday, April 01, 2005

.. aPriL fOOooOOol ..

waHahahzz... hApPy apRiL foOol dAy~~ =pPp` aiYozz...toDay mi fOol lotsa Ppl woRxx..hAHhaz...eRmm...fOOled sIyuaN..kAnisaN...nAz..wahHAhaz...sUm Ppl tRieD toOo fOool mI..bUt iT diDnt woRk... =pPp~ hEez... oHh yAzz...wEnt toOo mit uP bryDon at 3.30pm toOo pAss hIm sUmthiNg...hEezz..not bAd woRx..bRyDon mORee n MoreE yAndaOo lE woRxx.. hEezz...yAYyAz...hOoope hE cAn finD hIS dreAmz gAlzz sOOoooOOoon ... ^_^