TCS ------- B
PCB ------- A
EDEV ------- A
DFUND2 ------- B+
EMATH2 ------- A
PSPS ------- P
JAVA ------- B
IPSY ------- B
hEez....not bAd hoRzz ^_^ ...
yeSterDAy wEnt out wiF siyUAn n hiS frieNd...hAHahzz..not bAd la...hiS frienD quiTe frienDly =pPp~ wEe wenT tooo fINd whEre iS britiSh counCil lor~~ coZz siyUan goNna hAf an intERview tHere oN friDay.. ++ aLL d bEstt woRxx ++ ...wAhh seHh...reaCh tHEre thAt tIme stArt driZzliNg siAzz~~ foUnnd tHAt plAce liAoz...we gOoo orcHard lOr~~ gOo eat diNner...tHEn watCh The Pacifier